Author Archives for admin

Optimizing Google Search Options for Android Apps

January 16, 2018 2:02 pm Published by Comments Off on Optimizing Google Search Options for Android Apps

Apps for iOS and Android mobile devices represent a chance to sell to captive prospects — if they can find your app to download in the first place. The first place to start is the Google Play Store, where Android users install apps. Google web search is another opportunity for app search, but most of the optimization focus should be on the Play Store itself

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12 New Business Books for 2018

January 16, 2018 2:02 pm Published by Comments Off on 12 New Business Books for 2018

Here is a list of new and upcoming business books for entrepreneurs, managers, and creative professionals. Learn how to launch a startup, execute decisions and actions, jump into a new venture, set and achieve goals, motivate your team, create meaningf...

Mobile to Dominate Ecommerce Conversions

January 16, 2018 2:02 pm Published by Comments Off on Mobile to Dominate Ecommerce Conversions

For years, we’ve been hearing about the importance of responsive design and mobile-friendly features. Many small business etailers remained unconvinced of the power of mobile users as buyers. This made some sense, as data often showed that the majority of smartphone users were using devices primarily for research, and then finalizing purchases on tablets or desktop computers. This all changed during the past holiday season. On Cyber Monday 2017, mobile saw its first $2 billion day

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Tips for Selling and Buying on B2B Exchanges

January 16, 2018 2:02 pm Published by Comments Off on Tips for Selling and Buying on B2B Exchanges

In "20 Leading Global B2B Exchanges," my previous post, I shared B2B marketplace options for buying and selling products. In this post, I'll offer pointers on using those exchanges. Selling on a B2B exchange is an easy and inexpensive way for suppliers...

How to carry out a mobile SEO audit on your site

January 16, 2018 2:02 pm Published by Comments Off on How to carry out a mobile SEO audit on your site

Mobile optimization should be an integral part of your SEO strategy, and it goes beyond just checking whether your site passes Google’s Mobile Friendly test. In order to cover off all the factors involved in achieving the ultimate mobile-optimized website, it is necessary to carry out a mobile SEO audit on your site.

How to Build an Ecommerce Keyword List

January 16, 2018 2:02 pm Published by Comments Off on How to Build an Ecommerce Keyword List

Keywords are an important building block for ecommerce marketing. Developing and maintaining a keyword list may help an ecommerce business understand shoppers and do a better job of marketing to them. In the context of search engine optimization, searc...

Which tools should I buy to advance my SEO strategy?

January 16, 2018 2:02 pm Published by Comments Off on Which tools should I buy to advance my SEO strategy?

The complexity of an organic search campaign necessitates some technological assistance. There are plenty of tools on the market, but they vary in price, functionality, and effectiveness. Once you have all the basics in place, which SEO tools should you invest in to take your strategy to the next level?

Dissecting Amazon’s new ‘Pay by Invoice’ method

January 16, 2018 2:02 pm Published by Comments Off on Dissecting Amazon’s new ‘Pay by Invoice’ method

The new payment method is "Pay by Invoice." It is an attempt to entice new customers to Amazon that prefer to pay after receiving the goods. It is presumably based on the assumption that there are organizations — libraries, public bodies, larger companies — who do not let their staff pay in advance for an item. On the face of it, it seemed like a good idea

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2017 Ecommerce Round-up: 16 Percent Growth; ’Retail Apocalypse’?

January 16, 2018 2:02 pm Published by Comments Off on 2017 Ecommerce Round-up: 16 Percent Growth; ’Retail Apocalypse’?

2017 was supposedly the year ecommerce pummeled the brick-and-mortar retail sector, creating what analysts called a “retail apocalypse.” Yet, according to research firm Statista, ecommerce contributed only 9.1 percent to total retail sales in the United States and 10.1 percent globally. In other words, there is room for much ecommerce growth. However physical stores will fight back by luring customers with new approaches

The post 2017 Ecommerce Round-up: 16 Percent Growth; ’Retail Apocalypse’? appeared first on Practical Ecommerce.

Why linkless mentions are the future of link-building

January 16, 2018 2:02 pm Published by Comments Off on Why linkless mentions are the future of link-building

Since the early days of search, Google has used links as a means of judging the reputation and relevance of webpages. But over time, the web has evolved, and search engines have evolved along with it - and developed better ways of gauging website authority. Here's what you need to know about linkless mentions and why they're the future of link-building.