Author Archives for admin

The Rise of Human-free Retail

January 27, 2018 12:38 pm Published by Comments Off on The Rise of Human-free Retail

A few days back the first Amazon Go convenience store opened, in Seattle. Shoppers can simply pick up the items they want to purchase and walk out. There is no need to stand in lines and go through checkout. Will Walmart, Target, and other competitors ...

Who were the “winners” and “losers” of organic search in 2017?

January 27, 2018 12:38 pm Published by Comments Off on Who were the “winners” and “losers” of organic search in 2017?

Earlier this week, Searchmetrics published its fourth annual Winners and Losers Report, which reveals how certain sites fared in organic search visibility on during 2017. How do the results from this year stack up against last year, and what can we learn from the trends highlighted?

Study: Personalized Recommendations Produce 4 Times More Conversions

January 24, 2018 8:43 pm Published by Comments Off on Study: Personalized Recommendations Produce 4 Times More Conversions

Personalization is the key to selling online. Without personalization, you’re relying on consumers to figure out what they want. By presenting relevant products, you eliminate all of that hard work, which most aren’t going to do anyway. A study conducted by Salesforce in March to June 2017 revealed that shoppers prompted with relevant product recommendations accounted for 26 percent of revenue on ecommerce sites. This, despite results that show only 7 percent of visitors actually click such links

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How to Identify Keywords That Signal Shoppers’ Intent

January 24, 2018 8:43 pm Published by Comments Off on How to Identify Keywords That Signal Shoppers’ Intent

Keyword phrases are the fuel that drives many online marketing efforts, including search engine optimization, paid search advertising, and even content ideas. If marketers do a better job in selecting keyword phrases, they may do a better job promoting their products and content

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Comparing A/B and Multivariate Testing

January 24, 2018 8:43 pm Published by Comments Off on Comparing A/B and Multivariate Testing

A/B tests are controlled experiments of two attributes, to measure which one was most popular with users. You can apply A/B testing to just about anything that you can measure. Multivariate testing allows you to measure multiple variables simultaneousl...

What’s the True Value of a Conversion?

January 24, 2018 8:43 pm Published by Comments Off on What’s the True Value of a Conversion?

How you calculate the value of a conversion can have big implications for your marketing budget and your company's bottom line. Many marketers optimize their search campaigns, for example, by looking at the cost per conversion of a given keyword. For display or video campaigns, analyzing performance by the cost of conversion per ad or ad type is common. But what happens if the person that clicked on a Facebook ad then clicked on a search ad a few days later? How much value would your attribute to each source

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4 Common Methods to Personalize Email Marketing

January 24, 2018 8:43 pm Published by Comments Off on 4 Common Methods to Personalize Email Marketing

Personalizing an email marketing program can greatly increase opens and clicks. But a quick look at my inbox reveals that very few retailers are doing it effectively. Much of the success of any marketing effort can be boiled down to making the message ...

SEO: Google to Make Mobile Speed a Ranking Factor

January 24, 2018 8:43 pm Published by Comments Off on SEO: Google to Make Mobile Speed a Ranking Factor

If you weren’t already focused on your mobile site’s performance, Google is giving you a reason. In July of 2018, Google will use a new ranking signal focused purely on mobile site speed: the “Speed Update.” Google will dampen rankings for slower mobile sites to help mobile searchers find sites that deliver what Google considers to be a better mobile experience. Desktop site speed has been a Google ranking factor for almost eight years — its obsession with speed isn’t anything new. What is new is that Google will now include mobile sites in the site speed ranking equation

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New Sales Tax Law Targets Marketplaces

January 24, 2018 8:43 pm Published by Comments Off on New Sales Tax Law Targets Marketplaces

Sales tax calculation, collection, and remittance remain a challenge for ecommerce businesses. The state of Washington, for example, recently began enforcement of regulations that require marketplaces with a physical presence in Washington (or annual sales to residents of at least $10,000) to collect on behalf of third party sellers who utilize the marketplace’s platform

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Use Your ‘About’ Page to Build Trust with First-time Visitors

January 17, 2018 3:10 pm Published by Comments Off on Use Your ‘About’ Page to Build Trust with First-time Visitors

Scammers don’t go to the trouble of creating a company history with its values and original photos. Consumers know this — they are reassured by original content on your “About” page. To build trust, an “About” page should include unique details, such as who started the company and why she bothered, as well as what drives her to keep at it. Communicate the story in a real and distinct manner — not as a faceless bureaucracy

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