Author Archives for admin

SEO: Faceted Navigation Is Your Biggest Opportunity

May 7, 2017 12:05 pm Published by Comments Off on SEO: Faceted Navigation Is Your Biggest Opportunity

Regardless of what your ecommerce site sells, the biggest opportunity for improving your natural search performance is likely optimizing faceted navigation. Also known as faceted or guided search, faceted navigation applies ...

Using Google Analytics to Track Profitability by Product

May 5, 2017 1:04 pm Published by Comments Off on Using Google Analytics to Track Profitability by Product

Niche ecommerce merchants must focus on cash flow. They do not have large capital reserves to support unprofitable investments. Although growing sales is good for the ego, growing cash flow ...

Ecommerce Marketing: Paid, Earned, Shared, Owned

May 4, 2017 12:59 pm Published by Comments Off on Ecommerce Marketing: Paid, Earned, Shared, Owned

Marketing can be bewildering. You decide which combination of creative, content, and promotion leads to the best conversion or return on investment. How should advertising or labor be allocated? Should ...

Using Google Data Studio for SEO

May 3, 2017 8:01 pm Published by Comments Off on Using Google Data Studio for SEO

In “Using Server Logs to Uncover SEO Problems,” I explained that web server logs can be helpful, but the data is raw and requires transformation and analysis. In this post, ...

Affiliate Marketing Evolves, Again

May 3, 2017 1:01 pm Published by Comments Off on Affiliate Marketing Evolves, Again

Every few years headlines scream that affiliate marketing is dead or dying. In fact, affiliate marketing continues to grow, but it’s evolving rapidly. Two things are driving this evolution: the ...

11 Newsletter Plugins for WordPress

May 2, 2017 5:06 pm Published by Comments Off on 11 Newsletter Plugins for WordPress

WordPress is a highly customizable content management system. With the right plugins, it can be an effective platform to create a newsletter and build a list of subscribers. Here is a list ...

Should Google be more transparent with its updates?

May 2, 2017 2:01 pm Published by Comments Off on Should Google be more transparent with its updates?

Most of Google's algorithm updates nowadays are unconfirmed and unannounced, leaving website owners and SEOs guessing as to what caused a change in ranking and what they can do to fix it. Does Google owe it to its users to be more transparent?

Credit Card Processing: Beware of ‘Rate Reductions’

May 2, 2017 2:01 pm Published by Comments Off on Credit Card Processing: Beware of ‘Rate Reductions’

In my experience, most merchants feel that their credit card account provider is more likely to increase their rates or invent new fees rather than offer an unsolicited rate reduction. The ...

Has Crowdfunding from Ordinary Investors Been Successful?

May 1, 2017 4:08 pm Published by Comments Off on Has Crowdfunding from Ordinary Investors Been Successful?

May 2017 marks the one-year anniversary of the implementation by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission of Regulation CF crowdfunding for non-accredited investors. Some observers believe it is a disaster while ...

8 technical issues holding your content back

May 1, 2017 2:59 pm Published by Comments Off on 8 technical issues holding your content back

Failure to properly audit and resolve technical concerns can disconnect your content efforts from the benefits it should be bringing to your website. Here are eight issues you should be considering before committing to any major campaign.