Author Archives for admin

Will Drone Delivery Help Ecommerce?

October 3, 2019 8:35 am Published by Comments Off on Will Drone Delivery Help Ecommerce?

Drones are already used for delivering products in Iceland and medical supplies in Tanzania and Rwanda. Denmark, France, and The Netherlands are soon to follow. The post Will Drone Delivery Help Ecommerce? appeared first on Practical Ecommerce.

8 Conversion Boosters for Holiday Email Marketing

October 3, 2019 8:35 am Published by Comments Off on 8 Conversion Boosters for Holiday Email Marketing

Now is the time to plan holiday email marketing. For most ecommerce merchants, email is crucial for generating traffic and sales. What follows are eight tips to get the most from your holiday email marketing efforts. The post 8 Conversion Boosters for ...

Helpful Tips for Improving Your Mobile Ecommerce Site

October 3, 2019 8:35 am Published by Comments Off on Helpful Tips for Improving Your Mobile Ecommerce Site

My first suggestion for optimizing your website for mobile devices is to visit your local smartphone store. Target, Best Buy, Walmart, AT&T — you name it — your local phone store is the one place you can quickly experience your own site across the myriad of devices.

The post Helpful Tips for Improving Your Mobile Ecommerce Site appeared first on Practical Ecommerce.

Opening Up Influencer Marketing with Blockchain

October 3, 2019 8:35 am Published by Comments Off on Opening Up Influencer Marketing with Blockchain

Influencer marketing has become a meaningful customer acquisition channel for many brands. The channel is not foolproof, however. It has challenges for both advertisers and influencers. Fortunately, blockchain can help overcome these obstacles. The pos...

An Ecommerce Social Media Plan for the Holidays

October 3, 2019 8:35 am Published by Comments Off on An Ecommerce Social Media Plan for the Holidays

Social media posts can play an important role in a retailer's holiday promotions by engaging, informing, and encouraging potential shoppers. Social media is typically most effective when marketers plan and schedule well in advance. For your company's h...

12 New Ecommerce Books for Fall 2019

October 3, 2019 8:35 am Published by Comments Off on 12 New Ecommerce Books for Fall 2019

For your autumn reading list, here is a batch of new ecommerce books. There are titles on website design, dropshipping, marketing and sales strategies, the Amazon economy, and testing business ideas. The post 12 New Ecommerce Books for Fall 2019 appear...